We’re part of a bigger plan
ON How to feed the world population in a healthy and sustainable way
We blend cutting-edge technology with agricultural expertise and infrastructure
Our goal is to make the world a better place by innovating in agriculture
Ultimately, we aim to improve the lives of all living creatures and to bring joy through slaughter-free meat
Our Origins
Foundation and Driving Force
OUR Roots
Call for Change
what we stand for
why respectfarms?
Respect for All
Cultured meat drastically reduces land use, water consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions, and suffering of animals. We empower the farmers and make them more independent in the value chain.
Respect for Farmers
We repurpose existing farm infrastructures into cultured meat facilities, ensuring that farmers can continue to create value. This transition enhances farmers' livelihoods through a more sustainable business model.
Farming Reimagined
We utilize animal cells as the foundation for our meat, ensuring no harm to the animals in the process.
We cultivate specific crops that are essential to nourish and grow our meat cells.
We create a sustainable production environment.
We possess extensive knowledge in food safety, which is crucial for producing safe and healthy cultured meat.
By focusing on local markets, we offer products that meet the preferences of our community.
Per farm per year:
- 840 Tonnes of CO2 Reduced
- 1 Tonne of Ammonia Eliminated
- 3 Tonnes of Nitrogen Saved
- 10 Tonnes of Methane Cut Down
- 3 Million Litres of Water Conserved
This results in a significant cost reduction. It cuts the societal costs by half compared to conventional meat, according to the True Price Analysis.
Significant savings for the society
Our latest findings show that by 2030, the RESPECTfarms way of producing cultivated meat from farms can lower the external costs 2 to 3.5 times compared to conventional Dutch meats like beef, chicken and pork. Read more
Watch Our Vision film
HOW WE contribute to a brighter future
It requires significantly fewer resources like land, water, and energy compared to traditional meat.
2Animal welfare
It lessens the suffering of animals. No need for slaughtering.
It's produced without the use of antibiotics or hormones.
It reduces the risk of pandemics and zoonoses due to a closed process.
It has the potential to provide a consistent and reliable source of protein.
Currently, we're in the phase of seeking funding
Diversifying our eating habits will create the demand for new, innovative ingredients that will help restore the environment in more ways than one. We are looking at investors and partners that want to add new food to the table and join the road towards meat from cells made on farms. Our focus positions the company attractively for investors who are keen on sustainable and innovative food technology solutions. This in combination with a model that can be operationalized relatively quickly. The funding strategy includes a mix of subsidies, sponsoring, and pre-seed loans.
stage gated approach
Stage 1. Blueprint
The initial blueprint for converting livestock farms into cultured meat farms was developed and implemented as a digital prototype. This stage included the design and feasibility of modular production units, which allows for experimentation and adaptability. This phase has been executed already.
Stage 2. Proof of Concept
The proof of concept for the cultured meat production process is currently being developed and tested. This included the design and optimization of the cultured meat production techniques.
Stage 3. Scalability
The scalability of the project will be addressed with the expansion of the proof of concept to other locations. The roadmap involves optimizing the proof of concept, growing the network, and preparing a large-scale rollout.
Stage 4. Rollout
The goal is to achieve a network of farms, using the blueprint to replicate the model across multiple locations, and scaling the production capacity to farms arount the world.
Our Partners and Sponsors
As a system integrator, we partner with the pioneers along the value chain and from different sectors. These partners are from the field of technology, processing, financing, farming, and animal welfare.
Together, we have been executing the first ever research on whether cultivated meat on farms is possible. This two-year research hast been finalized.
Animal rights organization from Belgium and supporter on the ethical considerations for cultivated meat.
Biggest farmers union in Switzerland.
Meat processing company with centuries of experience in conventional meat processing and the key player in plant-based proteins in Germany.
Partner in business model creation and financing partner.
Financing partner.
Financing and strategic partner.
meet the THE TEAM
Co-founder of KindEarth.Tech and CellAg Netherlands. She's the daughter of Willem van Eelen (godfather of cultured meat).
GM Cellular Agriculture Germany & task force member @German farmers union. She's a researcher on decentralized production.
Business Designer & Tech Entrepreneur. He has a strong commercial background in technology & Business Model Innovation.
Co-founder & CEO Kipster
He's a pioneer in sustainable and animal friendlier farming.
Niche food & beverage marketer and alternative proteins category builder. Project coordinator focusing on farmer engagement and product development.
Bioprocess Engineer working on bioreactor design and bioprocess optimaization for farm scale production.
Systems biologist specialized in metabolic modelling and cultivated meat. Researching sustainable cell feed.
To what extent is cultivated meat more sustainable than conventional meat?
What is the advantage of our concept?
Why should farmers produce cultivated meat?