Support us

In the coming 4 years RESPECTfarms will build a farm that produces meat from cells. There are several steps we need to research and take before we can realize this:

1. Farm design: Full design is made Proof-of-Concept farm and can now be applied to the first location. 

2. Feasibility research: feasibility research for a Proof-of-Concept farm is finished, results can be shared.

3. Building the farm (2025): realization of the farm. Research will continue and production starts.

5. Experience (2026): While R&D continues, an experience center will be opened where all stakeholders can see, learn, taste and co-create. 

6. Scaling impact (2028): if we have proof that we can produce meat, with low footprint and an earning model for a farmer, then we will copy the blueprint to other farms.


During the coming 4 years RESPECTfarms will manage the research, design, development, realisation, and optimization. This in line with the mission of the RESPECTFarms foundation: Contributing to the transition from animal food to cell and fermentation-based food production and to the creation of new appropriate ecosystem of which farmers and stakeholders are part.


Your sponsoring will be used to accelerate the project, involve more stakeholders and realize the impact sooner.

Become a full sponsor

To become a full sponsor of feasibility research or full sponsor of the first cultivated meat farm, please contact and we will contact you to go through the possibilities.